I have to thank Sarah from
Pewter & Sage for giving me the Kreativ Blogger Award! I cannot tell you how honored I am! To even be listed with other decorator's blogs is truly amazing.
Pewter & Sage is on my daily reading list, you absolutely must check it out! Sarah designs gorgeous invitations and has a knack for all things decor. I'm always inspired by her style and the way she can put accessories together. She is also originally from Philadelphia, which of course makes her fabulous!

Now it's my turn to pass this along... Here are the rules:
1. Thank the person who nominated you for this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you for this award.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may not know.
5. Nominate 7 Kreativ Bloggers.
6. Post links to the 7 blogs you nominate.
7. Leave a comment on each.
So as for the 7 things you might not know about me...
1. At 25 years old, I decided to go back to school to completely change careers and study my passion, Interior Design.
2. I'm the oldest of 3 siblings and 3 step-siblings. 3 boys and 3 girls, completely the Brady Bunch.
3. My sister is my best friend and is even more creative than I am. I wish she wasn't away at school so we could work on more projects together.
4. Sewing is in my blood. While I have just really started sewing, my grandmother was a seamstress, my mom is a fantastic sewer and my sister is so good she made her own prom dress.
5. I believe in sticking to your gut when it comes to decorating. Go with what you like... not what everyone else says.
6. I LOVE paint, well you might already know this. But I do believe it's the easiest way to update a room or a piece of furniture and it costs almost nothing.
7. I read over 50 blogs a day.
Now to pass this along... I'd like to give the Kreative Blogger Award to these lovely ladies:
1. Holly of
Life in the Fun Lane - I love her style, I only wish I could have an all white house! Holly has fantastic vision and has turned her passion into a business -
White Berry Reinvented.
2. Kim of
Twice Remembered - Her cottage is stunning. You must look at her before and afters. I'm always in awe of her creativity.
3. Chris of
Just Beachy - A designer by trade, Chris has amazing style and makes her home and others the perfect combination of beachy and comfortable.
4. Layla of
The Lettered Cottage - Layla's style is impeccable. She truly is an amazing designer. I love the way she has transformed her own home into a gorgeous cottage. She and her husband also take amazing pictures which she sells on her site. I have one in my own home and adore it.
5. Melanie of
The Old White Cottage - I "met" Melanie on thenest.com and have loved seeing what she does with pieces she finds at yard sales and flea markets.
6. Whitney and Ashley of
Shanty2Chic - These sisters are so creative! They have such great ideas!
7. Erika of
Urban Grace Interiors - An amazing designer and new mom, Erika designs beautiful spaces for herself and her clients! And her daughter is gorgeous!
I highly recommend following these blogs, I'm constantly inspired!